Reflections on Therapy

Client Reflections


When considering pursuing therapy, it can be useful to hear from others who have worked with me …


“Therapy with Marcus/Dr. Flathman has provided a space (in my schedule and in my mind/heart) for listening deeply to myself. In this space, I can explore how I feel and what I want, knowing that it will be met with acceptance and loving kindness. I can practice being bold in how I express my needs, desires, feelings, and judgments. Working with Dr. Flathman helps guide me toward knowing what is true for me, a much more harmonious state than searching for what is “right” according to societal expectations.”

“Therapy has changed my life.
I grew up in a family where no one, for generations as far as I know, ever saw or a therapist, or if they did, no one spoke of it.  When I would read advice columnists saying, “Go talk with a counselor,” I would dismissively think to myself, “Why would I go talk to a stranger?”  

So, I learned about therapy accidentally.  I was in a relationship crisis and was asked to come to a couples session.  After three sessions, the person I was in relationship with no longer wanted to attend.  But I had found something, something that drew me back to the therapy room, to the experience of being listened to and helped.  

I used to pray as a young person and I would often have a painful feeling that my prayers bounced off the ceiling and were not heard by anyone. Therapy helped me change this sad feeling.  To be in a room with the listening presence of another human being was healing. I could be heard by another and deepen my ability to know myself. 

In the supportive atmosphere of a therapy room I’ve been heard, understood, supported, challenged.  I’ve grown in having a better relationship with myself and this has helped me be in better relationships with others.  I’ve learned to pay more attention to my wants instead of being driven by societal expectations and roles and “shoulds.”  As a result my work and play life have been freer and more satisfying. 

A therapy room can be one of the most meaningful, helpful places in the world and I’m very glad I learned about it and have been able to be blessed by it.”

“The opportunity to work with Dr. Flathman presented itself to me at a particularly challenging period in my life. I had reached a place where my inherited ideologies and practices–how I understood myself, expressed my thoughts and emotions, related to others, experienced spirituality–were unequal to the task of life’s new personal and professional responsibilities. In Dr. Flathman I discovered a therapist with whom I could meet myself with honesty and forgiveness, imagination and humor, and, in doing so, grow. The sacred space and time cultivated in our sessions have made all the difference.”

"When I began therapy I felt powerless.  Through my time with Dr. Flathman, I learned that I have the power to change my situation and relationships.  It isn't by changing the other person.  It is by changing myself and my role in these relationships.  Relationships are a bit like a puzzle.  Each piece (person) is shaped in a particular way to make the puzzle (relationship) go together.  Changing the puzzle can be done by changing the shape of your particular piece. Developing my sense of power and control gave me hope, and hope is one of the most precious things a person can have."  

“While I am an introspective person by nature with well developed emotional intelligence, I felt an interesting discomfort and frustration during my first few sessions. Exploring my unconscious, “listening to myself” and observing the journey of my thoughts and feelings - these concepts weren’t entirely new to me, and yet it still felt vulnerable and awkward to explore my inner workings in this way with a stranger. However after a few months I began to experience the sessions differently, moving forward with greater trust in Marcus and in myself. Working with a depth psychologist has helped me work through the deeper meaning of my thoughts, dreams, communication patterns, and long held emotional blocks - and the growth I have experienced has quite literally transformed my life and the way I engage with the world.”

Finding Dr. Flathman

”Finding a therapist that fits your needs and personality is difficult. At least it was for me. Over a period of ten years or so, when I was seeking help with my depression, I went to a couple therapists, trying to find a good match. Each helped me some, but no one was a good fit, until I found Dr. Marcus Flathman. 

What was it about Dr. Flathman? He had a calm and welcoming manner. He listened, but also gave me insightful and constructive feedback. He was totally focused on what I was saying. While I was in therapy with Dr. Flathman he responded to me very differently than past therapists. I felt very safe and was able to be vulnerable. My faith walk with God was appreciated. I became less anxious and nervous. There was no judgment. Total grace and acceptance. 

I am very thankful that I had that time with him.” 

“I’m certain I would’ve been just fine if I had never done therapy. But that’s it. I would’ve been fine. I would’ve been okay. And I would’ve experienced a lot of unnecessary pain along the way. Therapy feels like it has deepened me, but really it’s just given me greater clarity into myself. It’s led me to understand myself in ways I didn’t know were possible.

I feel like now I can thrive instead of just being okay or fine. It may sound strange, but I feel more at peace with myself. Therapy has been life changing in the most positive of ways. It’s been a learning and healing experience whose benefits have overflowed from me into my relationships. Deciding to do therapy has been one of the best decisions I have ever made.”